Sunday, July 22, 2007

Why did Hitler hate Jews??

The massacre of the jews by the Nazis during the second world war still strongly occupies the first position for the most cruellest and bloodiest atrocity that the mankind has ever witnessed. This article deals neither with the righteousness of hitler for commiting such an activity nor with the fundamental human rights and stuff. I am just trying to know what made the fuhrer to hate a whole community to the core.

Why did hitler hate jews?

I have got two strong points which could be the possible reasons behind this hatred. Unfortuntely none of us could travel back to hitler's period to know why he did that and even if we do so, there is nothing that could be done to read the fuhrer's mind. So i leave it to you to decide which among this could be a sensible and possible reason behind the hatred.


Recently a controversy had come up with this big question. Hitler was infected by this Sexually Transmitted
disease Syphilis. When Hitler was in Vienna (Capital of Austria) it is believed that he had an illegal affair with
a Sex Woker. After some time Hitler found that he was infected by Syphilis. Fortunately for the historians and
unfortunately for the jews, the Sex worker turned out to be a Jew. This particular incident had affected hitler to
such an extend that he mentioned about Germany being infested with Syphilis and blaming jews as the sole reason for this in 15 full pages in his "Mein Kempf". He further states that the only way of getting Grmany rid of syphilis and restoring its pride is to cleanse it of Jews. Many think this could be one of the potential reasons of the hatred that Hitler had.


Seems paradoxical! Doesnt it? Well read it fully before coming to a conclusion. Some of you might have heard that Hitler was an illegitimate son. It is believed that this particular guy gifted hitler to his mother and abandoned her. Hitler's mother should have told a lot about this to Hitler. Unfortunately for the Jews again, this fellow who abandoned Hitler's mother also happened top be a Jew. This must have built up a sense of rage against the Jews and at one point of time when the oppurtunity struck, the cat should have prowled out.

these are some of the strong theories which i had got. if you have points to substantiate or completely new theories altogether,
please let me know through your comments.

Until then we could do nothing else than to wait for guys like Gunter Grass come out with new theories.

c ya then!!


CVR said...

interesting post man!!
good work!!

keep it up!! :-)

Vidhya Chandrasekaran said...

First point i happened to read in Junior Vikatan. The second one is news to me. Nice work da:)

Vidhya Chandrasekaran said...

First point i happened to read in Junior Vikatan. Second one is news to me. Nice work da:)

cdk said...

@ cvr

thanx boss!!

cdk said...

@ vidhya

i read tat in some other source! i don remember it comin in junior vikatan??

cdk said...

new news to me da!! any how keep posting such informations..

Sudha said...

I havae read the first some where .The 2nd i do not know.Interesting.

cdk said...

@ sudhakar

tats why i posted it here!! :)

Anonymous said...

well just hapened to chance upon this post and found it interesting. Though for the second comment, i read somewhere( i guess wikipedia) that hitler's father was half jew. His grandmother(father's side) used to work as a maid in a jewish household and when she left it, she was pregnant.This again apparently aggravated his sentiments. Though i dont know which theory is more credible, but it weighs upn the probability of Hitler having a Jewish connection.

jadey1234 said...

One of Hitler's henchmen, Hans Frank, declared during the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46, that Hitler's grandmother had worked in the town of Graz as a servant in the home of a Jewish family named Frankenberger. He further claimed that she was seduced by the head of the household and that Hitler's grandfather was the result of that liaison. however there was no evidence of any Jewish family named Frankenberger ever living in Graz. What is more, Jews had been driven out of Graz in the 15th century and had not been allowed to return until 1856, nearly twenty years after Hitler's grandfather had been born.
also hitlers family physician was a jewish doctor, he treated hitlers mother and hitler when he was a child, during the time of the holocaust hitler protecteced this jewish doctor, he rcieved special treatment from the ss men.
hitler did have syphalis, he came into contact with the sti in his 30s, it is a well know fact that this illness inflames parts of the brain which casue obbsesive thoughts and holucinations. hitler knew that the german people were looking for some one to blame for the first world war, and he manipulated and brainwashed german people to hate the minority of the jewish community, for such a small minority they did hold a large percent of the nations weatlh. and in a time were germany was in masive debt to the world for the loss of the first world war, hitler was basically saying to them, were struggeling and these forigners, these jews are laughing, hitler used this to his advantage, and got into power. i believe his mental state and obbsesive behaviour and the fact that he him self truly believed that it was the jews fault, ovbiously he was not a sain man.
its discusting that because of one mans deluded thoughts and needs leed to the deaths of millions of people and 60 something years later antiseminism still exists today.

Anonymous said...

Gd informations,
but which one is closer?

Anonymous said...

This is a good answer to your question but defentily not the right deatails. Hitler hated jews not because he was crazy well thats part of it but becasue a jew group offered Htiler they would help him the economy( boost it ) and he would have to return something in favor, they played him and got away with it. Later that jew group went and told Great Briatian all about it helping their economy. Hitler just took it a next level considering he didn not believe in other culters existance such as blacks , asians, jews and more.

slh89 said...

Hitler wasn't seeking to take revenge on "Moses" followers. He disliked anyone that wasn't "pure" or "Aryan"...he even murdered the handicaped and mentally retarded individuals who don't even have the ability to comprehend who Moses is....I'm not religous and I could give a crap about what is in the book of Exodus..if moses did exsist and if he commited those crimes then yes, shame on him and shame on his followers...but if you think an event that occured(whether or not it really did occur is debatable) centuries ago is supposed to legitamize an attempt to exterminate (not just Jews) everyone that wasn't "Aryan" in the 20th cenury...well that's just ridiculous.
I really doubt that Hitler lost any sleep over the crimes that were committed thousands of years ago by a biblical character. He was a power hungry individual that used the Jewish people as pawns. He used Germanys current economic issues and the fact that they were really REALLY desperate to his advantage..
Do you realize that if Hitler's World Domination plan would have succeded most us would not be alive...and lets say Moses was alive today and he did have access to our technological advancements and he was looking to DOMINATE THE WORLD...I'm pretty sure he would get taken care of

prime said...

interesting post!
but for me the reason why he killed so many jews is....

HATRED - i don't know where this hatred starting to grow, some say from his father(like your post said), or from sex worker, some say because he was rejected when tried to become painters, who knows:)

JEALOUSLY - because jewish more successful in his country? or some believe that jewish are superior breed?who knows:)

ARYAN BELIEVER or DARWINIST - well unlucky for jews. They seems to become scapegoat for many things at that time:)

Unknown said...

Dinesh good search

Here are some facts on hitlers actions
study the tag